Heartland Child Nutrition
The staff at Heartland Child Nutrition are very qualified to provide assistance and guidance to child care providers enrolled in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Learn more about us through the short introductions below.
Meet the Staff
Megan Chase
Regional Representative
Megan serves the following counties: Barnes, Cass, Ransom, Sargent, and Richland, Foster, Griggs, Steele, Stutsman, LaMoure and Dickey.
Nichole Peterson
Claims Specialist
Heather Hauck
Regional Representative
Heather serves the following counties: Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Hettinger, Bowman, Grant, Adams, Divide, Mercer, Dunn, and Grant.
Amy McMahen
Office Manager
Erin Thompson
Regional Representative
Erin serves the following counties: Bottineau, McHenry, Rolette, Pierce, Towner, Benson, Eddy, Cavalier, Ramsey, Nelson, Pembina, Walsh, Grand Forks, and Trail.
Rachel Tetzloff
Regional Representative
Rachel serves the following counties: McLean, Sheridan, Wells, Oliver, Burleigh, Kidder, Morton, Sioux, Emmons, Logan, and McIntosh.
Heaven Schenstad
Regional Representative
Heaven serves the following counties: Divide, Burke, Renville, Williams, Mountrail, Ward, and McKenzie.